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Traffic deaths peak during the summer months

On Behalf of | Apr 24, 2019 | Uncategorized

Summertime is quickly approaching, which means it is time for picnics, barbeques and road trips. But it is also a dangerous time to be on the road. According to the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety, traffic fatalities peak in the summer months. The months with the most motor vehicle-related deaths are July and August.

This can be a surprising fact to learn. Why do so many more deadly car crashes happen in the summer? Here are some of the main causes and factors.

More congestion

Warm weather, no school and vacation time equate to a lot more people on the road. You may encounter more vacationers driving to their destinations. Motorcyclists will bring their bikes out for a spin. Bicyclists and pedestrians will also be out in droves enjoying the nice weather. There are also a lot of younger drivers on the road, which means you may be sharing the road with inexperienced and distracted motorists.

Roadway construction

In Minnesota, construction crews come out of the woodwork during the warm weather. It makes sense to get as much construction done before winter comes and halts the progress. But work zones can also be hazardous. As you drive this summer, you may notice blocked lanes, unfamiliar detours, changing road conditions and temporary signs. These complex driving conditions can increase the risk of motor vehicle collisions.

Heat causing issues with vehicle equipment

As the temperature rises to sweltering numbers, the equipment on cars, trucks and motorcycles can fail. This is especially true when it comes to tires. Hot temperatures can result in a higher risk of tire blowouts. When vehicles blow a tire, there can be traffic collisions.

Even though it is good to take advantage of the warm weather, be careful on the road. Whether you are going on vacation, attending an Independence Day barbeque or simply commuting to work, keep an eye out for potential hazards.
