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What are some common causes of repetitive motion injuries?

On Behalf of | Oct 28, 2022 | Repetitive Motion Injuries

While some work-related injuries may present with immediate symptoms, certain health concerns may carry delayed signs that continue to build over time. However, that does not mean that the latter will be any less serious, as such injuries could still take a significant toll on numerous aspects of your life.

Repetitive motion injuries remain a common issue in many professions, whether you operate in the health care industry or behind a desk in an office in Minnesota. Knowing some of the most common causes of such injuries might help you better prepare to mitigate the risks thereof, but this might not always be so simple.

The causes

Repetitive motion injuries can take on various forms, and some common examples of such injuries could include carpal tunnel syndrome and tennis elbow. A few of the most prevalent causes of such injuries could include:

  • Repetitive tasks: Studies indicate that job tasks that require you to perform the same motions for hours on end may place significant strain on your body and increase the risk of repetitive motion injuries.
  • Intense physical activity: Intense physical activity, such as constantly lifting and carrying heavy objects, also remains one of the most prevalent causes of repetitive motion injuries.
  • Desk duty: Constantly resting your wrists on a desk or keyboard tray or exhibiting poor posture are two examples of issues that may lead to serious health concerns that continue to build over time.
  • Machine operation: Workers who operate with and around power tools and machines may also be subject to constant vibration, and similar issues could create a variety of health concerns.

The risk of similar health conditions may exist in virtually any type of work environment, and it might be difficult to tell how repetitive motion injuries could affect your life until the unthinkable occurs.

The impact

Repetitive motion injuries could carry serious health repercussions that might disrupt your ability to perform everyday tasks and diminish your quality of life. Such health concerns could leave you facing a long road to recovery. Facing the likelihood of a loss of wages and extensive medical costs can be a stressful and intimidating concept. When facing such a scenario, you might have questions about available options for monetary aid during recovery and the next steps to take to protect your financial future.
